Singapore Teachers’ Union

Protecting and Promoting, Teachers and Teaching since 1946

STU stands ready to offer workplace advice and representation to members. STU handles an average of 1,200 cases a year. Delegates may assist by referring members who are facing workplace issues to STU.

Civil servants are governed by the Instruction Manual (IM). In an event of a grievance, Delegates should share the grievance procedure flowchart (IM2O) with the affected member.

Some workplace matters of which Delegates should be aware.


Delegates should be aware of the consequences of ‘C-’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ performance grades on EOs, especially those on probation and approaching retirement age.

EOs who are given the ‘D’ or ‘E’ grades could be placed on the Performance Review Process (PRP). Affected EOs would be placed on the Pre-PRP for three months, and then PRP for a further three months. Failure to meet the performance level required would result in termination of the EO.

Non-confirmed EOs who are given the ‘C-’ performance grade will not be confirmed. Affected confirmed officers will not be promoted and will not be entitled to professional development leave for two years.

Please refer to IM2O for more details.



Members should apply through the open posting and closed posting exercises during APEX. However, should there be an urgent need for a school transfer, Delegates should direct
members to seek assistance from STU.



Delegates should work with their School/MOE Branch Management to ensure that the
workplace is safe for members. Delegates may highlight workplace safety concerns to STU.

In the event of a workplace injury, members can claim their medical expenses under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) or IM2J. Delegates may direct members to their
Administrative Manager to obtain information on the two schemes to make informed choices on their claims.

When in doubt, members may approach STU.



STU conducts talks as part of its outreach to teachers so that they can avoid potential pitfalls in carrying out their duties as an educator. Drawing on past cases handled by STU, the talks cover:


Obligations of a Teacher
This session explains the legal responsibilities of the teacher as an employee of the Ministry of Education/School, and teachers’ liabilities to students vis-à-vis the Tort of Negligence.
Teachers and Classroom Disciplinary Actions
In this talk, the teacher’s rights and limitations in disciplining their students will be covered.
Teachers and Social Media
 Practical guidelines on how to navigate through the New Social Media environment in a safe and professional manner will be provided.

Delegates should collaborate with the School/MOE Branch Management Team to arrange for STU to conduct these talks in your school or workplace.

Courses offered by Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi)

  • Grievance Handling, Discipline & Dispute Management
  • Handling Workplace Harassment
  • Workplace Investigation & Board of Inquiry
  • Negotiation & Conflict Management
  • Counselling Skills

OTCi offers courses for Delegates from all affiliated unions to enhance Delegates’ competencies in recruitment and engaging members. Delegates who are keen to sign up for OTCi courses can contact STU.

Course fees are borne by STU.

A member would like to consult STU but is worried that the school may find out about his/ her issue. How should I advise the member? STU maintains strict confidentiality on our members’ cases. STU will only make a representation to MOE on the case, with members’ consent. “How do members make appointment with STU to consult on workplace matters?” Members should call STU at 6299 3936 or email You may refer to this link for more FAQs on tenure-related issues.

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