The talk covers issues such as negligence, duty of care, etc. Participants gain a greater awareness of the legal implications of their actions while carrying out their duties as a teacher.
TL1: Obligations of a Teacher
TL2: Teachers and Classroom Disciplinary Actions
TL3: Teachers and Social Media
Audience: All Education Officers
We will highlight the risk and liabilities during the probation period. We will also map out the challenges faced by the Beginning Teachers and share experiences on how some of our members have successfully dealt with them.
Audience: Beginning Teachers under probation & Graduating Trainee Teachers
We will highlight the benefits of our Union membership such as Industrial Relations, Professional and Social Workshops, NTUC benefits, and insurance schemes. We hope that by discussing these items, participants would have a better idea of how STU can benefit its members.
Audience: All Education Officers
These talks are conducted free-of-charge for schools and clusters to create awareness and provide useful tips for teachers. For more details, contact Deputy General Secretary (Appointed), Carine Yip at